a man is squatting with a barbell on his shoulders in a gym .

Alexander Frank


I am a certified Elite Trainer, a Nutrition Coach, and a Golf Fitness Specialist just to name a few off of the growing list of accredited and professional certifications I have attained, ever since that curiosity was sparked within me years ago.

Throughout my career, different jobs, participating in social media posts, conversations leading up to vacation time, many individuals had the same question(s) that I did: "How do I x/y/z with fitness? Ive done "x" before, but it didn't last long..."

Those questions can be answered with the mission of SecondSpark, which can be summarized through a verse out of the good book: Philippians 3:13 - "Brothers and sisters, I know that I have a long way to go. But there is one thing that I do: I forget what is in the past and try as hard as I can to reach the goal before me.

I know what what it is like to fail, to become upset, frustrated and hopeless that I will never be able to create those lasting changes. I know what it is like to crave that strength in mind, body and spirit. I know what it is like to feel like I will not be able to reach my desired goals and what it feels like to place myself in a revolving door of past memories telling myself  "I should have done this, this or this".

Guess what? It is all possible. It is possible to create a healthier, happier and stronger version of you in mind, body, and spirit. If I can do it, you can too; and I'll be with you every step of the way.

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